works to a two storey semi-detached dwelling on a street corner
were refused on the grounds of harm to the streetscene, with the
relationship between the proposed extension and the house, as well
as its proximity and prominence in relation to the highway,
identified as reasons for refusal. The scheme was a revised
submission, an update on a more visually overbearing proposal which
was refused 27.10.2020 (refusal upheld at appeal 23.04.2021). The
Inspector found that the revised proposal had an appropriate degree
of subservience, and would not be of an unacceptable or
uncharacteristic width/massing. Despite the corner plot position
and the proximity of the structure to the road, the Inspector did
not consider that the proposal would be overly dominant or unduly
affect the spacing of the street. They noted the particular
guidance in the SPD around the relationship of side extensions to
side boundaries and adjacent streets, however they did not consider
that the particular relationship of the appeal site and proposal to
surroundings properties, building lines, road or verge would be
atypical for the area, or that it would be overbearing in relation
to the footway. The appeal was allowed.